Fused Glass by Anitra Watley Allen

I've been playing at fusing the glass for a few years now.  Doing it by the book and with advice from the "pros" but still never really knowing just what I was doing; I believe I've made most of the mistakes one could make twice.  I've learned from this school of  "hard knocks";  more and more "keepers" are coming for my kilns these day.   So I'm now teaching a class about everything I'd wish someone had shown me to the begin with.

My first experiments were copper "inclusions” that is placing the wire stickmen-women between layers of glass and fusing the layers together in the kiln at about 1400 degrees F
A few were sold on ebay to (all but one) great reviews. Galleries who sell my ceramic works placed a few. Yet still I uncertain just what it is I should do... here is a sing-song way I leave this up to you.

Then I went a little buggy. What does one do with these boggles one creates from glass?